It is important to do what you love, and it has not been more evident than during covid affected times. Gattea is a luxury jewellery store, located in the Macarthur area that thrives of design consulations and creating custom designed engagement rings.. With current lockdown rules, our abiity to assist has moved over to a digital space which we are incredibly grateful for however we are missing our interactions with clients.
The current climate has torn away forms of positivity from peoples lives, stopping work and interactions with friends and family. To combat this our team wanted to refelct on what makes them thrive and their energy flourish, Jewellery. When chatting with out team we noticed that rather than to just say the words 'be happy, be positive' it is important to refelct on what makes you 'feel positive and feel happy'. The way our team has chosen to do this is to refelct on why we are greatful to work and why we love what we do.
Most of the Gattea team particpated in a IGTV uploaded onto our instagram page @gatteajewellers. Each member introduces themselves, their role within the store and what their role means to them. The hope is that our team can lighten others day while also reflect on how lucky and grateful we are as a jewellery business to be able to continue to operate and thrive during Sydney lock down.Below are quotes from each Gattea staff member. While everyone has differing roles, we are all jewellery stylists that aim to create great client experiences.
Chief of Design
"I love that Jewellery is wearable art and that it evokes emotions and creates memeories for years to come"
Creative Director
"What I love is the feeling clients get when they enter our store"
General Manager
"My role allows me to meet so many different people, hear their stories and help them celebrate whats important to them"
Social Media & Marketing Manager
"I love that I get to emulate the feelings that clients get when they enter our store by creating it on a digital space"
Senior Stylist
"I get to transport our clients to a world of luxury. I am very thankful for that"
"I love that working at Gattea you are not treated like and number or another employee you really do become apart of the Gattea family"
It is important to know that while we all have different hobbies, roles and lifestyles that make us happy, if we stay positive and work together as a team we will always acheive the most and the best that we can.
Stay Safe,
Gattea Team